さきほどNeil GaimanのTwitterでThe Grave Yard BookがHugo賞に決定したことを知りました。
彼のTwitterによると、"Fuck! it won!"...実に簡潔な報告です。

長編小説: The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman
Novella: “The Erdmann Nexus”, Nancy Kress(Asimov’s Oct/Nov 2008)
Novellette: “Shoggoths in Bloom”, Elizabeth Bear(Asimov’s Mar 2008)
短編: “Exhalation”, Ted Chiang(Eclipse Two)
Night Shade Booksより無料でダウンロードできます
関連本: Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded: A Decade of Whatever, 1998-2008, John Scalzi (Subterranean Press)
グラフィックストーリー: Girl Genius, Volume 8: Agatha Heterodyne and the Chapel of Bones, Written by Kaja & Phil Foglio, art by Phil Foglio, colors by Cheyenne Wright
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form: WALL-E Andrew Stanton & Pete Docter, story; Andrew Stanton & Jim Reardon, screenplay; Andrew Stanton, director (Pixar/Walt Disney)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form: Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, Joss Whedon, & Zack Whedon, & Jed Whedon, & Maurissa Tancharoen, writers; Joss Whedon, director (Mutant Enemy)
Best Editor Short Form: Ellen Datlow
Best Editor Long Form: David G. Hartwell
Best Professional Artist: Donato Giancola
Best Semiprozine: Weird Tales, edited by Ann VanderMeer & Stephen H. Segal
Best Fan Writer: Cheryl Morgan
Best Fanzine: Electric Velocipede edited by John Klima
Best Fan Artist: Frank Wu
Classification Word count
Novel over 40,000 words
Novella 17,500 to 40,000 words
Novelette 7,500 to 17,500 words
Short story under 7,500 words
