いよいよ今日、英国Man Booker Prizeのショートリストが発表されます。
このレポートではどうやらHilary Mantelがダントツ「本命」のようですね。ショートリストが発表されたらのちほどご報告します。
William Hillの概算配当率
6/4 Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel)
4/1 Brooklyn (Colm Toibin)
4/1 The Little Stranger (Sarah Waters)
6/1 Summertime (J M Coetzee)
8/1 Me Cheeta (James Lever)
10/1 Love And Summer (William Trevor)
14/1 The Children's Book (A S Byatt)
16/1 Not Untrue and Not Unkind (Ed O'Loughlin)
16/1 The Glass Room (Simon Mawer)
20/1 The Quickening Maze (Adam Foulds)
20/1 Heliopolis (James Scudamore)
20/1 The Wilderness (Samantha Harvey)
25/1 How To Paint A Dead Man (Sarah Hall)
Ladbrokes の概算配当率
2/1 Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall
5/1 Colm Toibin - Brooklyn
7/1 Sarah Waters -The Little Stranger
7/1 JM Coetzee - Summertime
10/1 AS Byatt - The Children's Book
10/1 James Lever - Me Cheeta
12/1 William Trevor - Love and Summer
14/1 Ed O'Loughlin - Not Untrue and Not Unkind
16/1 Samantha Harvey - The Wilderness
16/1 Adam Foulds - The Quickening Maze
16/1 Sarah Hall - How to Paint a Dea Man
16/1 Simon Mawer - The Glass Room
18/1 James Scudamore – Heliopolis